Komplot, Bruxelles
October 22 – November 19 2016

Curated by Louise Bernatowiez

Chaussée de Forest 90 Vorstesteenweg
1060 Brussels

Through an echo phenomenon that oscillates between the original sense and new form, Jean-Pierre Bertrand addresses the primal function of the object with genuine processes. He dissects a rectangular structure, a deserted football goal from which the angles and white lines are extracted. Thus, he splits the symbolism leaving an assemblage of fragments, a new territory shaped into pieces of a severed body.The proposed solution of continuity, with its ambivalence (since it means a break, a hiatus) creates an opening, that is nevertheless subjected to the order of the venue. The gap between desire and satisfaction, revealed by these fragments of memory, is a long detour through a forest of mountains devastated by an arsonist. Fire is a graphite filter that overlooks with dirt the horizon of this falsely impersonal landscape. Born from a difficult dialogue with the elements, whether facing nature or structure, Bertrand’s combat goes on.

