


Miles | Julie Béna

From October 16 to December 30.2021

When Looking Across the Sea, Do You Dream? | OTOBONG NKANGA

From June 12 to September 19.2021 Opening days on June Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 from 10am to 6pm

more shoes more boots more garlic | Camille Lapouge

From June 12 to September 19.2021

Los Angeles, les années cool / Judy Chicago

Du 1er juillet  au 4 novembre 2018

ANTHONY McCALL : Leaving (With Two-Minute Silence)

October 15, 2017 to January 7, 2018 Opening on Saturday October 14 at 6pm


Du 15 octobre 2017 au 7 janvier 2018

SERIAL PAINTER | Cédric Teisseire, Pascal Pinaud, Xavier Theunis

Marseille expos / Galeries Lafayette è Galerie du 5eme, Marseille Du 26 février au 16 avril 2016 Vernissage le 26/02/2016 à 18h-20h30

Marielle Chabal | Swim was (not) in my plan actually

Stasjon K, AIR Sandnes, Norway Opening : Wednesday 17th of February at 19.00

The summer show 2015 : LE COUPLE | Valérie Morraja – Jean-Louis Paquelin, Françoise Rod – Madeleine Doré, Joo Young Kim – Chol Soo, Sylvia Hansmann – Stephan Barron

Du 14 février au 3 avril 2016 Vernissage le 14 février de 15h à 18h / Finissage le 3 avril  de 15h à 18h artmandat, Barjol

David Subhi | Oeuvres Mortes & Oeuvres Vives. 2014 – 2016

From the 12th to the 26th of February 2016. Opening : February 12, 18:00 EKKISENS, Reykjavik (Island)