


Ouverture café du bosco jeudi 15 juillet à 14h

Le café du bosco ouvre ses portes le jeudi 15 juillet 2021 de 14h à 19h tous les jours, sauf le mardi.

Boissons chaudes, boissons fraiches, jus de fruits, gaspacho, glaces, cakes, biscuits, etc.

Ce café estival

Miles | Julie Béna

From October 16 to December 30.2021

When Looking Across the Sea, Do You Dream? | OTOBONG NKANGA

From June 12 to September 19.2021
Opening days on June Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 from 10am to 6pm

STILL ALIVE | Hannah Hallermann

From March 26 to July 4 2021
Albertinum, Dresde

more shoes more boots more garlic | Camille Lapouge

From June 12 to September 19.2021

Translate me over a River

A cycle of interviews on the theme of Transliteration