From the 12th to the 26th of February 2016.
Opening : February 12, 18:00
EKKISENS, Reykjavik (Island)


In the french vocabulary, two expressions are used to name the emerged and immersed parts of a ship.
Above the sea line, “The dead works” (les oeuvres mortes), and under the sea line, “The living works” (les oeuvres vives), areas in permanent contact with water.

Most of the artworks on show were realized between 2014 and 2016.
During that time, David Subhi worked as a painter at the shipyard downtown Reykjavik while he continued a personal research with painting.
Thought for Ekkisens Galleri, the proposition is to combine, regroup artworks that seem to be very different from each other, both by their inspiration or by their realization, take the advantage of the reduced space to let the ensemble of differences, singularities and common factors compose their own forms, their own harmonies.
The works are marked by narratives and experiences from the shipyard period. Some paintings are dealing with personal obsessions, and beyond that, it displays an active research about the art of painting. Its purpose, its necessity or its possibilities.

From the 12th to the 26th of february 2016.
EKKISENS – Bergstadastraeti 25,  Reykjavik
