PS projectspace – Amsterdam
13 décembre 2015 – 17 janvier 2016

Greet Billet, Gaëlle Choisne, Nadia Guerroui, Ludovic Lignon, Ninakarlin Prinz, Vivien Roubaud, Benjamin Sabatier, Cédric Teisseire, Sebastian Wickeroth

Curated by SNAP (Lyon, France)

On Sunday December 13th is the opening of the exhibition UN_FORMED. A group show curated by Paul Raguenes of SNAP (Lyon, France) with nine different artists from France, Germany and Belgium. Visual artist Rosita Taurone wrote an accompanying text for the show:

As soon as we talk about the shape we are directly confronted to the material and the idea of structure. The shape doesn’t necessarily imply volumes, but embraces the space and the
unlimited time in each direction.
The shape is thus a movement. Everything takes shape, loses shape, takes shape again.
Each body continually recreates itself, throughout infinite movement to provide the world with a dimension.
For these nine artists the material becomes an element of assault and fracture, in order to produce a series of intentions of contamination and affection with their environment, at the level of the infrathin, in an imperceptible transformation process where a division and fracture took place.
Their practice (praxis, the Greek praksis, action) stems directly from the everyday life activities that have to do with work, objects or leisure. It is neither organized nor structured in terms of objectives, time or resources.
The informal practice is most of the time unintentional from the artist. It doesn’t result in a unique form. It constantly challenges the hazardous nature to be found in daily actions. We move from something devoid of organization and structure to something structurally and conceptually visible. The question of the formal and the informal comes down to the eternal debate about the function of art and provides us with the answers to the questions about the immateriality of the work of art.

Rosita Taurone

PS projectspace
Madurastraat 72
NL- 1094 GR Amsterdam
M +31 (0)6 47830952
M +31 (0)6 27398691
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 13.00 – 17.00 hrs.